Move past your past

Trauma Therapy Across New York and New Jersey

Trauma symptoms are not one size fits all. Trauma is not on a timeline, it doesn’t have a measuring stick, it can look lots of different ways.

Trauma changes us. It impacts us on an emotional, physical, neurological, and relational level. People experience the impacts of trauma for many years after they believe they “should.” Our brain functions as if we are still in danger so we can protect ourselves. This can cause a lot of turmoil and pain.

Maybe you don’t identify with the word trauma. Or maybe you think what you’ve experienced isn’t “that bad” to be classified as a trauma. But the truth is if you are still being impacted by it then it was traumatic.

You’re tired of feeling like your past is still affecting you

It’s like a part of you is stuck living in a different time.

Sound like you?

Your mind and body react in ways you don’t fully understand or can’t control.

You’re anxious, on edge, and can’t seem to relax.

You’re tired of feeling like something is wrong and not knowing how to address it or make sense of it.

You feel disconnected from your body and the world around you. It’s like you’re living in a dream.

You feel disconnected, shutdown, angry, or avoidant.

Something we often hear from clients is logically they know they are safe, or that the trauma wasn’t their fault, but it doesn’t feel that way. This is normal for those who have experienced trauma. This means there is a disconnect between your logical brain and your nervous system.

We use modalities such as Somatic Experiencing® and EMDR to provide your body with the just right experience to bridge this gap. You are not going to just gain coping skills by working with us you are going to experience life changing results.

Here’s what we’ll do together

Therapy can help you make sense of your past experiences.

Healing happens when we reconnect with our bodies, establish a sense of safety, learn to feel our emotions, and trust our instincts and intuition. Below is a very helpful video that explains the impacts of trauma.

Trauma and the nervous system: a polyvagal perspective.

Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.
— Dr. Peter Levine

Therapists Who Specialize in Trauma

  • Melanie Palmietto, Owner, LPC, LMHC

    Telehealth- New Jersey & New York

    In Person- New Jersey

  • Cassie Vlahos, LMFT

    Telehealth- New Jersey & California

At the end of the day, we want you to know:

You already have all you need within you to heal.

What we’ll work on

Imagine a life where…

  • You feel truly calm and safe (not numbed out)

  • You trust yourself, others, and hold healthy boundaries

  • You’re connected to yourself and the ability to express your thoughts and emotions

  • Your past no longer has a hold over you

  • You’re connected to your body and no longer fear your feelings

Healing is possible.

Healing is possible.



  • We work with:

    • Sexual assault

    • Childhood abuse or neglect

    • Emotional or psychological abuse

    • Relationship trauma

    • Developmental trauma

    • Dissociative disorders

  • We treat trauma through the body. Which allows for true trauma healing. Logic does not heal trauma accessing the body does.

  • Our session fee for 50 minute sessions is $150. Please schedule a free consultation call with one of our clinicians by clicking here to learn more.